Sunday, February 23, 2020

Bus Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Bus - Essay Example These behaviors serve as resistance to group influence and task requirements† (Smith, 2005). The third stage, norming, the group members have overcome conflicts and have begun to establish group norms, where roles, standards and responsibilities are defined and carried out. Finally, performing stage, as the term implies, focus on performance of tasks where roles become functional and flexible as deemed appropriate. The five soft skills employers look for in today’s workplace are: proactive attitude, problem-solving, the ability to manifest a vocation of service, teamwork, and exemplary communication skills (Tarnogol, 2010). In the academe, one has experienced working with going through the phases of team development through group work where course modules would require a project to be accomplished as a group. The most eminent phase of team development that the group centered on was the performing stage, where all members have recognized the need to comply with the defined roles and responsibilities to enable the accomplishment of group goals. For example, in English class where the group was expected to create a presentation about literary elements of a novel, all the members prepared to work on the tasks assigned. Apparently, one could attest that the three prior stages were briefly experienced (forming, storming and norming), particularly the need to define goals, roles and responsibilities under the forming stage and the experience of conflicts under the storming stage. The performing stage, however, was most memorable in terms of defining the ability of members to collaborate and actively participa te to ensure that the defined objectives and tasks are effectively carried out. Tarnogol, F. (2010, September 16). Top 5 Soft Skills Employers Seek and How To Use them in a Job Interview. Retrieved January 23, 2012, from

Friday, February 7, 2020

Kierkegaard and Dewey Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Kierkegaard and Dewey - Essay Example Dewey then gives an example of religion; how religion can have a lasting and deep impact on the course of a nations history. Religion or a certain set of ideas can control peoples feelings and beliefs, and that is not any less of a control than that of political oppression. Culture is also determines what elements of human nature dominate it, which have resulted in the belief that one aspect of human nature is the determining factor of human society. This is confusing the effect with the cause, as it is a societys culture that determines which aspect of human nature dominates according to Deweys argument. So the basic idea of Deweys first chapter is that if political freedom is to be maintained it is through culture and not through the individuals, as they are themselves motivated and to a degree "controlled" by culture. The exaggeration of one aspect of human nature as the sole motive behind human behavior is itself culture driven; this is well supported by historical facts. For every age gives rise to a motive of behavior that accords with its cultural needs. And the example Dewey gives is England during the industrial revolution; as the economic situation was intense it gave rise to the belief in a sole human motivator that is in harmony with this economical situation. 2- In chapter 2, Dewey discusses the differences that lie within the same society, how they might affect society and how they are not an objection to his theory of cultural domination over human behavior within society. In this chapter he concludes that: "No estimate of the effects of culture upon the elements that now make up freedom begins to be adequate that does not take into account the moral and religious splits that are found in our very make-up as persons. The problem of creation of genuine democracy cannot be successfully dealt with in theory or in practice save as we create intellectual and moral integration out of present disordered conditions." This perhaps sums up